Saturday, September 13, 2008

$1 Design Challenge

My object looks like an ordinary piece of wood, but it can be so much more. I chose a coffee stirrer. While generally used to help mix cream and sugar into someone's daily burst of caffeine, the simple coffee stirrer has many other potential uses.

In lieu of a paintbrush, a coffee stirrer can be used to spread paint or glue. This is especially useful in that you can just throw it away after and not worry about that annoying problem of having hard paintbrush bristles which inevitably reduces the life of expensive brushes.

The other day, I got fruit from the cafeteria before class, but I didn't want to eat it with my fingers. If I couldn't find a plastic fork, I was planning on using a handy-dandy coffee stirrer as an impromptu utensil to spear my pineapple. Luckily, I found a fork, but it reminded me that a wooden stick is useful in so many ways.


kara said...

Your use of the coffee stirrer reminded me of the bags of popsicle sticks that always seemed to be on hand in when I was in elementary school. We used them for all kinds of art projects and then later in high school, we had a challenge in my physics class to see who could build a popsicle stick bridge that would hold the most weight. Coffee stirrers could be substituted for any of these projects or they could even be used to make popsicles!

Megan said...

"When the stars go bluuuuuuuuee..."

If I had enough coffee stirrers I would build a wooden cart. And in that wooden cart I would place all of the boxes that I still have sitting in your room. In the meantime, I will continue to use what few stirrers I do have to spread glue and skewer fruit! Those little things do come in handy!

We have a ton of stirrers (both wooden and plastic) in the I-House cafeteria. Let me know if you ever need any. And I will let you know when my cart is complete!

Jessica said...

Hi Shannon!
I love your million dollar invention! Its great for kids that don't like to get messy and to keep paint and glue off of our clothing.... for the most part haha.
Unfortunately I don't use coffee stirrers but I'm sure i can snag some from the Starbucks around the corner! Although, they have plastic ones... that should work too!